村を襲う悲劇・金鹿の学級 Village Tragedy (Golden Deer)
(玄関ホール 昼)
Entrance Hall | Daytime
ジェラルト: おい!Byleth!急いで出る準備をしろ!
Jeralt: We've got to go. Now.
Choice 1: いったい何が? What's going on?
Choice 2: わかった OK.
ジェラルト: ルミール村の様子が一変したらしいんだが、情報が錯綜しててよくわからねえ。
Jeralt: The situation in Remire Village has changed drastically. We don't know much more than that.
We're hearing reports that the villagers are killing each other. Some say houses are burning. Regardless, we need to move.
Remire Village (Empire Territory)
暴れる村人: コロス! コロス!ウアアアアア!
Rampaging Villager: Kill! Kill! Ahhhh!
暴れる村人: フフフフフフフフフ……!アア……ヴァア……!
Rampaging Villager: Haha... Hahaha... Hrngyarhh!
村の子供: 助けてえ! 助けてよおー!
Village Child: Help! Somebody, please help!
ジェラルト: 何だこりゃ……何がどうなってやがる……
Jeralt: What's going on here...
クロード: うは……まさに地獄の様相だな。誰が正気を保ってるかもわかりゃしない。
Claude: This is unbelievable... There's no way to tell who's lost their mind from who's mad with fear...
ヒルダ: これ、すぐに何か手を打たないとどんどん悪い状況になりそー……。
Hilda: If we don't act quickly, things are just going to keep getting worse!
Choice 1: 確かに酷すぎる It's horrifying. (Hilda ⤴)
ヒルダ: 正直、関わりたくないけど。放っとくわけにもいかないですよねー。
Hilda: I really don't want to get involved here...but we can't leave these people on their own, right?
Choice 2: でもどうすれば…… What can we do?
ラファエル: じゃあさあ、死なない程度にぶん殴って片っ端から気絶させるってのはどうだあ?
Raphael: How about we hit them hard enough to knock them out, but not hard enough to kill them?
イグナーツ: そんな、無茶な! あれ……でも、もしかして他に選択肢はないのかな……。
Ignatz: That's too reckless! But... I'll admit, I can't think of a better option.
マリアンヌ: 仮に命を落とす人がいても……それが主の定めし運命なら……
Marianne: If some must die, just know it was by the will of the goddess...
レオニー: 駄目だ、マリアンヌ! 全員、助けないと!こんなの女神様が望んでるわけないだろ!?
Leonie: Stop that, Marianne! We have to save all of them. There's no way this madness is by the will of the goddess!
ローレンツ: 平民を助けるのは貴族の務め……。グロスタールの家名に懸けて、皆を救う!
Lorenz: Nobles are responsible for the safety of commoners. By the honor of House Gloucester, I swear that I will save them all.
リシテア: ……クロード、妙な人たちがいますね。
Lysithea: Claude. There are some strange-looking people here.
クロード: ああ、お前も気づいたか。
Claude: So you noticed too.
クロード: 見ろ……村人に紛れて、怪しげな連中がうろついてやがる。
Claude: Look. There's a suspicious group hiding amongst the villagers.
Could they be the culprits? If so...
Choice 1: 許せない……! They will not be forgiven.
Choice 2: 絶対に逃がさない I won't let them escape.
クロード: よし、方針は立ったな。俺たちがやるべきは怪しい連中の排除と、村人の救出だ。
Claude: There you have it. Our objective is clear. Take down that suspicious group and rescue the villagers.